Jardalu Mango

Jardalu has its own charm: Spreading Aroma from Bhagalpur (Bihar ) to the world

Famous for its exclusive aroma, sweetness, and other nutritional properties, the Jardalu mango is considered a safe fruit for even those who have been diagnosed with diabetes or have a poor digestive system. It is rich in fiber and enzymes that are highly beneficial to the abdominal muscles and digestive system. Jardalu is a unique mango variety from Bhagalpur….

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Pm Narendra Modi Man Ki Baat Shahi Litchi

The first consignment of GI certified Shahi Litchi from Bihar exported to UK : PM Narendra Modi said in Mann ki Baat

India exported the season’s first consignment of Shahi Litchi from Bihar to the United Kingdom by air route on Monday 24th May, the commerce ministry said. It was a GI-certified product. The GI tag helps growers get premium price of the product as no other producer can misuse the name to market similar goods. Addressing…

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