Six foods that are healthiest for your heart in the summer, from coconut water to watermelon

Water Melon
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High heat and physical stress are harmful to our health. This causes the heart to pump more blood, perhaps increasing the risk of a heart attack throughout the summer. As a result, we must take extra precautions to protect our heart health.

The main guideline that people should follow for a healthy heart is to eat a diet high in fibre, antioxidants, potassium, and magnesium but low in salt and fat. Here is a list of some cooling foods to add to your diet throughout the summer months to offset the effects of the hot weather.


It is high in essential minerals, including salt, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc, suitable for the cardiovascular system in hot weather.

Coconut Drink

Summer is the ideal season for drinking coconut water. Its cooling characteristics assist you in dealing with the hot heat, and it is widely accessible in practically all fruit shops. It is cheap and high in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Drinking coconut water daily has also been demonstrated in studies to help prevent cancer.


Recent studies have shown that papaya can help decrease cholesterol and preserve heart and blood vessel health. It includes vitamin C, antioxidants, and papain, a substance that helps lower cholesterol levels.


Cucumber is good for the heart in the heat since it is strong in fibre and contains a lot of water.


Watermelon is especially popular in the summer. It is 92% water and contains other vital minerals to help decrease blood pressure. Its high water content helps keeps the body hydrated, lowering cardiac stress.

Vegetables with green leaves

There are various advantages to including green leafy vegetables in your diet. Greens are high in water content. You should avoid overcooking these veggies since overcooking might cause water loss.

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