More than 1.63 crore people have received a coronavirus vaccine in India so far. While there has been no case of any adverse effect on anyone, some recipients have reported some side effects or mild illness.
A large number of experts have underlined that these are expected in a small number of cases — and that these ought not to dissuade people from taking the shot.
The corona vaccination campaign is going to start from May 1. After May 1, people over 18 years of age can get vaccinated in our country. Many of us are eagerly waiting for this, because the possibility of corona control is being raised to a great extent by applying the vaccine. If you too are waiting to apply the vaccine and have started preparing for it, then before that it is important to know how to take care of your body before and after vaccination. People around us are sharing many tips related to vaccination. Many of these tips can also be beneficial for us and there may be some tips which are just a myth. Therefore, it is very important to have the right information to protect yourself. Let’s know what we should do before and after vaccination and what not-
Which people should be vaccinated?
Physicians suggest that it is necessary to apply the vaccine to every person. Do not pay much attention to the misconceptions spread around and get the vaccine done. However, after applying the vaccine you may notice some mild symptoms. But do not panic. It will be fixed If there is a more serious problem, consult a doctor immediately. So that you can be treated at the right time.
What to do and what not to do before vaccination (What Should You Eat Pre and Post COVID Vaccination)
Before vaccination
- In case a person has allergies to medication, or drugs, it is important to get an all-clear from a medical practitioner. A complete blood count (CBC), C-reactive protein (CRP), or Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) levels can be checked under medical advice.
- One should eat well and take medicines, if prescribed, ahead of vaccination. One should try to be as relaxed as possible; counselling can help people who are feeling anxious.
- People with diabetes or blood pressure need to keep these in check. Cancer patients, especially those on chemotherapy, must act on medical advice.
- People who have received blood plasma or monoclonal antibodies as part of Covid-19 treatment, or those who have been infected in the last one and a half months are advised to not take the vaccine right now.
What about alcohol and vaccine?
You must have heard from many places and many people that we should not consume alcohol after taking the vaccine and before taking the vaccine. Physician says that alcohol should not be consumed before and after taking the vaccine. This is being said in many places, but there is not enough evidence of this. However, drinking alcohol is your body’s immunity power week. Therefore, it is advisable not to do so. Because before and after vaccination, boost of our immune system is very important.
According to the CDC of the US (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), symptoms such as fainting, muscle aches, nausea, fever, headache are visible after vaccination. In such a situation, there is a need to drink plenty of water. By dehydrating the body and reducing these symptoms. Consumption of alcohol not only weakens the immune system, but also increases the problem of dehydration. Not only this, drinking alcohol also increases the stress level and in this situation, it is very important to have mentally and physically strong. Therefore, not consuming alcohol before and after alcohol vaccination can only be better for our health.
Do not apply the vaccine on an empty stomach
Be sure to eat something by applying the vaccine. Do not sleep hungry stomach at night. Doing so can make you dizzy. If you are going to apply the vaccine, then eat home-cooked food. For example, take curd, eggs, healthy bars, nuts or fruits. So that you will not faint. Experts say that soon after applying the vaccine, your immune system starts functioning rapidly, due to which you may see side-effects like hand pain, mild fever and body ache. Therefore, due to physical weakness during this time, your problem may increase. So do not keep your stomach empty.
Can you exercise after vaccination?
Relaxation after vaccination is very important, especially when you are not feeling well. But light-weight exercises are important for you. You do not need to do heavy exercises during this time. But you can do brisk walking. Simultaneously exercise lightly. Most of us have stopped exercising in the coronary period but let us tell you that everyone needs healthy and exercise daily. Even if you cannot exercise outside this time. But try wearing a mask and go for a walk. Apart from this, do yoga and other body weight exercises at home.
Good sleep is important
Now you might be thinking that there is a connection between vaccine and sleep? So, let us tell you that there is no direct connection between vaccine and sleep. But by getting good sleep the immune system in our body works correctly. So, get good sleep before taking vaccinations. So that your body’s immune system works properly, and you have the benefits of vaccination. Improve the process, especially between dinner and bedtime.
According to the journal Clinical Sleep Medicine, consuming less fiber, more saturated fat and sugar can cause sleep disturbances. At the same time, if you eat high fiber and high-quality food instead, you will get good and deep sleep. Dinner should always be light-hearted. Never take heavy diet at night. Eat diets like lentil soup, garden salad, virgin olive oil at night. Avoid consuming canned goods. This may cause you to lack sleep. If you eat unhealthy snacks like chips, sweets, fries, pizza at night, it will not make you sleep soundly and deeply.
What to do after vaccination?
Some people may complain of vomiting, nausea after vaccination. Even if you do not have this problem, after the vaccination, consume a liquid and easily digested diet. Healthy foods such as veggie soup, apples, bananas, melon, coconut water, brown rice, and potatoes are included in their diet after vaccination. Do not take a heavy diet during this time. For example, avoid eating cream sauces, cheeses, fried foods, packed foods, meat, and high sugar foods. Keep your body well hydrated.
Some people lose their appetite after vaccination. In such a situation, if your appetite is also reduced, try to get snacks in a few hours even if you are not hungry. Keep in mind that during this time your body needs complete nutrition. So that your emu system works smoothly.
Keep the body hydrate
Some symptoms may appear in your body after taking the vaccine. Such as dizziness, fainting, headache. To overcome these symptoms, try to keep your body hydrated. Drink more water. Drink fluids, so that you do not have problems such as fainting, dizziness, headaches, and muscle problems. Keeping the body hydrated can prevent such problems.
According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the body of women requires 11 cups i.e. 2.7 liters of fluid per day. On the other hand, if we talk about men, then their body needs 3.7 liters of fluid a day. About 20% of the fluids get to the body from our food, but the remaining 8-12 cups we need to complete with water or drinks.
What should you do after vaccination?
Important to note
- Vaccines teach our immune system how to recognize and fight an external threat — in this case, the virus that causes Covid-19. It typically takes a few weeks after vaccination for the body to build protection (immunity) against the virus.
- This means that a person could still get infected by Covid-19 in the few days immediately following the vaccination, because the person would not have had enough time to develop immunity.
- Therefore, basic precautionary measures must be followed even after vaccination. Face masks, hand hygiene, and physical distancing in public places must not be abandoned just because a vaccine has been taken. Cough/sneeze etiquette also needs to be followed.
Here are a few precautions of COVID-19 that all responsible citizens should follow even after vaccination-
- Continue to maintain social distancing and avoid crowded places.
- Please wear a mask and sanitize your hands.
- Encourage and help others to register for the vaccination.
It is impossible to say whether the ‘old norm’ will ever be back again. The threat of an even more dangerous virus cannot be discounted. But did you know that wearing masks and sanitization can keep you safe from most viruses? So, let us all continue to maintain hygiene protocol.
Keep in mind that healthy diet and exercise is very important for our health. It is not necessary that you go for vaccination only then follow exercise or healthy diet. To keep the body healthy, you can follow healthy diet and exercise at any time, whether it is vaccination time or not. It is necessary for every person.