Do’s and Don’ts of Diastasis-recti!

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Diastasis-recti is very common in women post pregnancy. It develops when the abdominal muscles stretch during pregnancy and get separated, when the baby is growing. There is a gap between left and right abdominal muscles. It starts developing in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. It affects 35-66% of pregnant women. One with diastasis-recti will have a gap of 2.5 cm or more between the abdominal muscles. Diastasis-recti weakens the functionality of abdominal muscles.:

Amrita Bhatia will explain in this article

A condition in which the large abdominal muscles separate.Diastasis recti is common in women who are over 35, deliver a high birth weight baby or have a multiple pregnancy. It’s usually most noticeable right after delivery. It also occurs in middle aged and older men with abdominal obesity.There may be a bulge in the middle of the stomach. It might be noticeable only when the abdominal muscles are tense, such as during coughing.Treatment includes physiotherapy. In rare cases, cosmetic surgery may be done to reduce the bulge


  1. Keep a check on your postures for even the basic things you do. The way you stand, sit, bend, lift objects etc.
  2. Practice breathing techniques while performing exercises.
  3. Isometric abs exercises like plank, side plank, hollow hold, etc helps in reducing the gap between transverse abs muscles.
  4. Exercises that strengthen the pelvic muscles like glute bridge, kegels, bird dog etc helps in strengthening the abs muscles too.
  5. Exercises like squats and lunges are beneficial too.
  6. Abs, pelvic muscles and lower body strengthening exercises during and after pregnancy can prevent the occurrence of the gap or can help in minimizing it if is already separating.


  1. Do not do intense abs workouts like crunches, sit ups etc, that can cause the gap to increase.
  2. Do not raise your head while lying on the floor.
  3. Avoid exercises involving oblique muscles.
  4. Avoid lifting too heavy.
  5. Avoid intense coughing with no abdominal support.

Consult the doctor in severe cases.



Amrita Bhatia
Fittr Coach
INFS & NESTA Certified
Instagram @fittrwithamrita

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