WhatsApp has introduced ‘Add to Cart’ to make shopping on the instant messaging platform easier. The new update comes nearly a month after the company introduced WhatsApp, a shopping button on its app, that allowed users to easily browse catalogs offered by businesses on the platform and place orders. With the arrival of the cart, WhatsApp has taken a step forward that makes your shopping experience much better, now users can create, order, and ‘Add to cart ‘WhatsApp, as well as viewing various products. And you can pay, which means that your shopping experience gets better.
You can see options while browsing the business catalog
The latest update on WhatsApp brings an ‘Add to Cart’ button that users can see while browsing the catalog provided by the WhatsApp Business account. This allows users to add multiple items from a merchant to a cart and share it with the seller to place orders directly through the app.
It works just like any e-commerce site or mobile app, WhatsApp will now provide users the option to add or remove one or more items from their cart as WhatsApp as it added an ‘Add to cart ‘ button. They can also view items added to their cart by tapping the new, dedicated icon while browsing the catalog of WhatsApp Business Account.
Will be able to send all products in a single list
Once the item is added to the cart, it can be shared as a single message with the vendor associated with the WhatsApp business account. The seller will then reply to you to confirm the order. Sellers can accept payments using WhatsApp Pay to complete orders and start the delivery process. WhatsApp has also introduced a new cart-themed sticker in its ‘Open for Business’ sticker pack for merchants, which starts promoting their businesses within groups and chats on the platform.
By allowing buyers to group different products into a single message using the cart feature, WhatsApp ‘Add to Cart’ has made it easier to manage orders for business accounts. This seems quite similar to how a seller gets a checkout flow at a traditional online marketplace.