Machine Learning

How AI Is Transforming Agriculture? Role of Artificial intelligence in the Agriculture Sector

Artificial intelligence technology is supporting different sectors to boost productivity and efficiency. AI solutions are assisting to overcome the traditional…

5 months ago

Using AI to predict heart episodes

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), Algorithms, and large amounts of data sets are the present-day buzzwords…

2 years ago

Eight resources for data scientists who want to learn SQL.

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is domain-specific and was designed to manage data held in a relational database management system.…

3 years ago

Ambee :Mapping India’s air quality using sensors & AI

After discovering that the particulate matter in the air around him was 32 times the prescribed levels, Ambee  Madhusudan Anand…

4 years ago

5 Tips to Boost Your Data Science Learning

Many guides give you advice on how to get started in data science: which online courses to take, which projects to implement for your portfolio,…

4 years ago

What is Fintech (Financial Technology)?

The term fintech refers to the synergy between finance and technology, which is used to enhance business operations and delivery…

4 years ago

Artificial Intelligence in Pharmaceutical Industry: Exciting Applications in 2021

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has recently started to gear-up its application in various sectors of the society with the pharmaceutical industry…

4 years ago

What is Artificial Intelligence? How does AI work, Types and Future of it?

Artificial intelligence enables computers and machines to mimic the perception, learning, problem-solving, and decision-making capabilities of the human mind. What…

4 years ago